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How often do you reflect on your work and your organizational progress?

Here are a few questions to ponder:

1. Do we get meaningful and valuable insights from meetings and discussions, or are they just shark tanks where everybody defends their opinion or tries to protect their ego?

2. Is our collaboration based on trust and the idea that we all work together for the greater good of the company, or do we have turf wars where people act egoistically in their self-interest?

3. Do we evolve as a team or organization and improve collaboration, foster innovation, and increase performance, or do we stagnate and deal with the same organizational issues as in the years before?

4. Do we progress significantly in our strategic direction or drown in our operational challenges and hope to survive?

5. Do we provide a workplace where people are excited to work, curious to learn, and inspired to contribute their ideas, or is it an exhausting, energy-sucking trip through enemy territory?

Marc Neddermann

Author Marc Neddermann

Marc Neddermann is a consultant, speaker and trusted advisor on growth and innovation. He has worked with leaders and executives of DAX 30 companies as well as medium sized businesses.

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