The core believes are what the company stands for, what its values are and want it wants to achieve. So you might say your customer is the most important asset and excellent customer service is key. The operating believes are…

The key to successfully implement change projects is to start with the end result in mind. Define specifically what you want to see, feel, and experience when you are done. If you want people to be more empowered describe what…
Comfortable in terms of inherent talents and skills and contribution to the team:“John, you are a tremendous asset to our team and we could not have achieved this without you!” Uncomfortable in terms of challenging the employee, assigning new responsibilities, and…
Leaders need to have a scuba diving team to find out what’s below the surface! I once asked a CEO how employees accepted the new strategic direction. His response: “I don’t know, you’d have to ask them!” He assumed that…

In meiner Beobachtung sind zu viele Executives entweder monatelang mit der Strategieentwicklung beschäftigt, ohne das Unternehmen zu managen, oder micromanagen das Geschäft und lassen ihre Verantwortung, Strategie zu entwickeln, komplett im Stich. Beides ist inakzeptabel, und es ist unabdinglich, eine…